Tag: TechStuff

  • Hi Robot, help me with my daily chores, please …

    Yesterday I was talking about some ideas with my wife. The topic of robots came up. She rightly challenged me that these robots are not mostly about doing things that are not directly helping with daily items.I agree with her. Earlier this year, Melinda Gates wrote about the paucity of time in the Gates Notes annual…

  • Tax filing experience from Turbo Tax keeps getting better

    It is that time of the year for folks working and earning in USA. I am not a constitutional expert; but this much I understand. Come Apr 15th (or around there) we have to complete filing the tax returns to ensure that what may be due as per reams of legislation makes it to the…

  • Low low power connectivity

    Yesterday during my jog with my friend we were chatting about if there are low powered connectivity solutions for devices. We knew about Bluetooth Low Energy and continuously shrinking WiFi chips. We also knew that WiFi has been focused on enabling higher bandwidth and longer distances. Today I discovered Passive WiFi which promises to reduce the…

  • Model driven APIs and service

    In the past few months, I had been building a set of services using nodejs. After having dabbled in JavaScript over the past year, I was looking for a way to build service side code as well with REST APIs. voila! I discovered nodejs which fits the bill. There are many tutorials online for how…

  • Infinite Innovations ahead

    It was the perfectly bright weather to admire this unique creation in front of the National Museum of Anerican History. It symbolifies creativity, deft handling of tools, deep understanding of the elements, and pays tribute to the creative mindset of humans. Standing stop a tall and slender tower this metallic creation invites us to walk…

  • Word Press rocks! – simple and nice

    In the past week I had set up a private word press site for blogging atop LAMP to check it out. There was a learning curve to understand the LAMP and Word Press taxonomy. Still, I got a lot of easy help from some good documentation on Word Press and LAMP configuration. And as a saving…