Tag: TechStuff

  • A new era for Software on the PC?

    A new era for Software on the PC?

    Today’s announcement from Microsoft was BIG – billion units big. A massive internal reorganization of (Software) Engineering Organizations inside Microsoft results in big rethinking of the placement of Windows Engineering. See New York Times Tech News Coverage talking about the shift to fuel Cloud and Productivity missions. I have personal experiences of being a massive user…

  • Growing problem with Lots of Pictures everywhere

    For long we had relished the growing power of cameras – good old digital cameras and ever growing set of mobile devices with embedded cameras. We have nearly more than ten devices at our house – smart phones, tablets, laptops, digital camera, etc., that are equipped with cameras. And that means we snap a lot…

  • Back from 2017 Seattle Maker Faire

    Today Manu and I attended the Seattle Maker Faire. Another year of some exciting things shown at the faire. First and foremost Manu wanted to build and race a pinewood derby car 🙂 which he did quickly as soon as we got in. There were several exhibits around that used arduino based controllers, simple metal…

  • Cash – less in the future?

    In my work on eCommerce, several times I had dreamed up having cashless transactions enabled at lower costs. The dream is coming alive. I am excited to read about the cashless systems in China – NYTimes: … cash is rapidly becoming obsolete. In India, applications like Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM), PayTM, etc., are set…

  • Evolve Software Architecture using a principled approach (Part 1)

    Software rules the world, everyone is aware of this. And along with it people say, Software is easy to change, easy to create, easy to adopt, etc. Still Software is often hard to understand. For both individuals and teams, having a common understanding of the architecture of software makes life easier to evolve the software to be faster, cheaper,…

  • Securing the website with certificates

    Almost a year back, I set up my first word press site using AWS EC2 instance. It took some effort to set up and configure the site with security through SSL. Last year I discovered https://startssl.com for SSL Certificates. It was a bit laborious, but it worked well. Unfortunately I forgot to keep tabs and renew the certificate on…

  • Economics of Electric Vehicles – are these viable?

    Yesterday I read this update on Tesla Supercharger Program. The promise of electric vehicles included low or no costs paid for gasoline, and limited or no emissions. Hence electric cars like Tesla promise high savings to pocketbook and the environment. Of course this comes with a high upfront cost to purchase these vehicles. On further investigation and looking…

  • Pursuit of Perfection – Design, Architecture, and Re-architecture in the world of software

    Excellence is a Journey. Perection is the destination. Often we have deep discussions about the desire to pursue perfection. An engineer walks up and says “I really do not like these shortcuts, I have this full design and I want to implement it.” The leader responds, “Yes, I understand. How long will it take to implement…

  • Startup Decks and selling Stories – lessons from Zuora

    Every startup faces the problem of explaining themselves to the investors and customers alike. Startups live at the edge of uncertainty exploring new ideas and have to thoughtfully present their case. Recently I came across the pitch deck from Zuora – Subscription SaaS company. See the deck here and a good commentary about this deck is here. Nearly…

  • Ideas to business – another batch starts

    Two days back I attended the introduction event run by 9-mile labs. Another batch of enthusiastic and energetic individuals talked about their ideas. There were 9 companies chosen for summer cohort that begins in July. Each company had a unique idea on how they are going to change the world. Ideas are hard, turning these…