Tag: Talent

  • Book: “Grit” – encourages one to persist and persevere

    Often I carry books to read in the flight. But this Monday I did not have any book to read. And there was a 5 hour flight ahead of me. Browsing through the stores, I found this book – Grit.  It was compact and encouraging. I was thinking through challenges my son had to go through…

  • Summer 2018 Internships for High Schoolers

    Over the holidays, a local high school junior student said, “Uncle, I am interested in the SparkSIP internship“.  I am always glad to hear the interest to do internships from high school students. I was however surprised to hear this ask because we had not even started the discussion at our advisory board for SparkSIP.…

  • Mentoring and Coaching month 1

    In the summer, one of our friends asked me if I can coach a student interested in Computer Science. Given that I already volunteer with Spark SIP connecting high school students with internships, I said Yes. A few weeks rolled by and then I was introduced to the student. I had a few ideas on projects the…

  • Summer Internships for High Schoolers – from SparkSIP

    Are you an entrepreneur looking for help? Are you a researcher brimming with ideas and can use extra help? Are you the creative person who wishes you had someone help you in the short term? We invite you to reach aspiring high schoolers and offer them a summer internship. SparkSIP.org is a non-profit focused on connecting aspiring…

  • Microsoft gets IN!

    Today was historic day for Microsoft. Microsoft is acquiring Linked In. And it joins the 443,000,000 other users in a new capacity – as an owner of the Professional Networking Services firm. Only about 5-6 years back, there was caution about endorsing folks on social networks including Linked In. And now Microsoft owns it. Thousands…

  • Startup Ecosystem in Seattle – perspectives

    Today I was reading Sandi MacPhearson’s Medium article discussing Startup Ecosystem mentions that Seattle is lagging behind other places. Compass’  group report on global startup ecosystem provides more depth. Over the past year I had been more exposed to startups in Seattle area. Now that I am in a startup and advising a few startups, I can reflect on the learnings. Seattle…