Tag: Possibilities

  • Book: The War of Art

    Recently, I heard about this book The War of Art from a friend of mine. Steven Pressfield, the author describes the major challenges many people face when creating new artifacts. All people including authors, artists, architects, composers, entrepreneurs, et al face the challenge. Some of them face a stable employment or income issue. However most…

  • Bike Ride to Sequim WA

    Bike Ride to Sequim WA

    The last few weeks have been good for running and biking. Six years back, I did a long distance ride of about 115 miles. I was interested in repeating such a long distance bike ride. In particular, I was interested in biking from Bellevue, WA to Sequim, WA. My family was concerned about my interest…

  • Opportunities Aplenty

    Opportunities Aplenty

    Last week I had a very interesting conversation with a young and upcoming engineer who I worked with in the past decade. His first input was that there are insufficient opportunities for him. And hence he wanted to go look for a new opportunity. At the surface what he indicated seemed convincing. As I dug…

  • Bike Ride up a mile

    Bike Ride up a mile

    Four springs back, in May 2018, one of my friends suggested I join him on the Ride The Hurricane bike ride. The Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center is located in the beautiful Olympic Mountains in the Northwest USA. At about a mile above the sea level, it was a 12 miles long climb at 5-8% gradient…

  • Change – an opportunity in disguise

      “Change is everywhere! Change can be outside you! Change can be inside you! Change is always happening! … Remember, Change is everywhere!” So read the note about Change in my 3rd grader’s notebook at his school. We had gone into the class room for the usual curriculum evening to learn about what the kids…

  • Energy consumed and CO2 emissions for top 3 countries

    Yesterday I read about the smog-filtering bicycles to be launched in China. This brought up a question about the utility and the state of affairs of CO2 emissions and air pollution in China. From my trips to Chinese capital city of Beijing three years back, I recall the high level of pollution and the orange sunsets…

  • Looking for Better Scout Den App

    We live in the worst of times with constant lack of time; And we live in the best of times with active kids. Sometimes people say we are living without attention. That said, from my experience as a Den leader for Cub Scouts in 2016-2017 (see the reflection piece), I felt it is important to…

  • SparkSIP Summer Internship Process

    We are signing up sponsors for the SparkSIP Summer Internships. We had 4 sponsors sign up and propose projects in the past week. And entrepreneurs are interested in how the sponsor flow works for summer internship. This infographic gives you a quick glimpse of the same. Sponsor your project by answering 10 questions at Spark SIP 2017 Sponsorship.

  • Summer Internships for High Schoolers – from SparkSIP

    Are you an entrepreneur looking for help? Are you a researcher brimming with ideas and can use extra help? Are you the creative person who wishes you had someone help you in the short term? We invite you to reach aspiring high schoolers and offer them a summer internship. SparkSIP.org is a non-profit focused on connecting aspiring…

  • Economics of Electric Vehicles – are these viable?

    Yesterday I read this update on Tesla Supercharger Program. The promise of electric vehicles included low or no costs paid for gasoline, and limited or no emissions. Hence electric cars like Tesla promise high savings to pocketbook and the environment. Of course this comes with a high upfront cost to purchase these vehicles. On further investigation and looking…