Tag: Poetry

  • The New Normal

    The New Normal

    We were normal; We sought things, novel! We had weekdays and weekends.We made things during weekdays;We enjoyed things during the weekends.Such was the working life. Too much novelty may not be the best;for who would have thought about the rest? We were normal;We sought things, novel! Suddenly from Wuhan, sprang a virus, was indeed novel! Invisible…

  • Flying High (Poem with Picture)

    Thanks to a wonderful bird photo from a friend, here is the poem card. Thanks S.Sivakumar for the excellent photo of a soaring bird flying high. 

  • Flying High – a poem from 1999

    Years back I used to write down a few small poems. This summer my daughter is doing a summer camp on writing and poetry. She came home and described about the variety of poems. So I dug into the archives to find a poem to post here. Flying High (Aug 26, 1999) ————————– Flapping the…