Tag: Online

  • Pulse of Cloud Computing and SaaS Businesses

    Over the past decade there is a high volume of discussion about Software-as-a-Business (SaaS) business model. It is amazing to see how many software parts and software driven experiences (Ex: Netflix, gmail) are purchased online. There are novel products that are only cloud native now unlike in the past. About fifteen years back, I was…

  • Wheel of Retailing and path for Fortune

    Last week I read this business case about Amazon vs. Walmart and the Wheel of Retailing. Over the past two centuries of retailing there have bene several repeat instances where a new comer grabs mindshare and marketshare through discounted offerings and differentiated experiences. Soon this incumbent grows up and wants to get revenue share and…

  • Securing the website with certificates

    Almost a year back, I set up my first word press site using AWS EC2 instance. It took some effort to set up and configure the site with security through SSL. Last year I discovered https://startssl.com for SSL Certificates. It was a bit laborious, but it worked well. Unfortunately I forgot to keep tabs and renew the certificate on…

  • Retail Innovation – online, offline, and mobile integrated

    Today I came across a nice experience that Home Depot has built up for connecting their online and offline experiences. In searching for a house hold tool – telescoping tool, I discovered the nice experience. I often go to my default store – Amazon. Unfortunately I did not find a suitable one. So I popped…