Tag: Mentoring

  • Summer 2018 Internships for High Schoolers

    Over the holidays, a local high school junior student said, “Uncle, I am interested in the SparkSIP internship“.  I am always glad to hear the interest to do internships from high school students. I was however surprised to hear this ask because we had not even started the discussion at our advisory board for SparkSIP.…

  • DI2018-Week2 Recap – Team Name and first Task Challenge

    We had our Week2 meet on Oct 21st with 4 kids in attendance. My goal was to cover the following: Warm up: Pick 2 items each and tell a story using the same. Sharing: Build on each other’s choice item and create a shared story. Learning: Task Based Challenge to learn about planning, implementation, and…

  • Mentoring and Coaching month 1

    In the summer, one of our friends asked me if I can coach a student interested in Computer Science. Given that I already volunteer with Spark SIP connecting high school students with internships, I said Yes. A few weeks rolled by and then I was introduced to the student. I had a few ideas on projects the…