Tag: Kids

  • School From Home (SFH)

    School From Home (SFH)

    For many years, Work From Home (WFH) has been popular in several service industries (ex: Airline reservations, phone customer support) and tech. Thanks to the #CoronavirusOutbreak now we have school from home for my kids as well. One of the strongest anti-dote to slow down the spread of virus is to do self-isolation or add…

  • Supplies for Cub Scouts Camping

    Supplies for Cub Scouts Camping

    Thanks to my son who is in the Cub Scouts, we go camping once or twice with the local Cub Scouts troop. The camping experience is much better when we are adequately equipped. We are preparing to go on the Winter camp at Camp Sheppard near Mt. Rainier. It is going to be good. It…

  • Summer 2018 Internships for High Schoolers

    Over the holidays, a local high school junior student said, “Uncle, I am interested in the SparkSIP internship“.  I am always glad to hear the interest to do internships from high school students. I was however surprised to hear this ask because we had not even started the discussion at our advisory board for SparkSIP.…

  • DI2018 Session 4 – T-shirt and developing story ideas

    Goals for Session4 were: Warm up:  Review T-shirt design Discuss story ideas for Central Challenge Enact one of the stories with discussion, rehearsal, and presentation   We started with listening to t-shirt ideas from each kid. There were creative ideas with a blend of tigers, monsters, and mixture. One of the creative ideas was about…

  • DI2018-Week3 Recap – Task and Presentation Instant Challenges



    Following our Week2 meeting, we had our Week3 meet on Nov 4th with 5 kids in attendance. My goal was to cover the following: Warm up: IC: Task – Create new musical instrument from stray items Introduce the concept of “Reflection Time” and “Planning” Discuss Team Conduct and Rules Decide on Team Name Instant Challenge:…

  • DI2018-Week2 Recap – Team Name and first Task Challenge

    We had our Week2 meet on Oct 21st with 4 kids in attendance. My goal was to cover the following: Warm up: Pick 2 items each and tell a story using the same. Sharing: Build on each other’s choice item and create a shared story. Learning: Task Based Challenge to learn about planning, implementation, and…

  • Starting DI2017 Team for Rising Stars

    Last week I met with 8 other parents who had kids interested in the Destination Imagination Program. In the past 3 years, I had volunteered for DI when my daughter was on DI programs. Now my son is very interested in DI. And this year almost I am forming a team. Over the past 3…

  • Rising Stars Destination Imagination team – 2017-2018



    Destination Imagination (aka DI) offers fun and creative team based challenges for teams of up 4-7 kids. Both my kids had participated in the past few years. It encourages them to learn, create, and share with the team. The teams solve a team wide challenge for the entire year preparing props to show along with…

  • Back from 2017 Seattle Maker Faire

    Today Manu and I attended the Seattle Maker Faire. Another year of some exciting things shown at the faire. First and foremost Manu wanted to build and race a pinewood derby car 🙂 which he did quickly as soon as we got in. There were several exhibits around that used arduino based controllers, simple metal…

  • Learning and coaching of Math with NSF

    This year I had registered as a coach for Math to teach the students in grades 3-5 who register with North South Foundation (NSF). My 7-year old son participated in a spelling bee competition a few months back and came home interested in doing more Math. NSF also has a program to coach students during the…