Tag: Ideas

  • Book: The War of Art

    Recently, I heard about this book The War of Art from a friend of mine. Steven Pressfield, the author describes the major challenges many people face when creating new artifacts. All people including authors, artists, architects, composers, entrepreneurs, et al face the challenge. Some of them face a stable employment or income issue. However most…

  • Stories make our world a better place

    In the recent years, I had been reading stories for my kids. This way I had the opportunity to reconnect with many stories as well as read many new ones. About 5 years back I was introduced to Joseph Campbell’s great book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces  And recently a couple of film school…

  • ideaX from KCLS is awesome

    In the past month, I had taken my 7-year old son to the ideaX event at the Bellevue main library. At this event there are an array of things to play with – blocks, lego mindstorms, 3D printer pens, line tracing robots, liteBricks, paper planes, etc. Besides kids, even adults were enjoying the event. This…

  • Looking for Better Scout Den App

    We live in the worst of times with constant lack of time; And we live in the best of times with active kids. Sometimes people say we are living without attention. That said, from my experience as a Den leader for Cub Scouts in 2016-2017 (see the reflection piece), I felt it is important to…

  • Making Shields using modern maker technologies

    In the medieval times, one cannot guard a state without great knights and soldiers. And these knights in-turn relied upon great armor, shields (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shield), and swords. In the modern era we rely on defense technologies that reach farther. Still there is a lot learnt from the ancient shields including patience and creativity. Today my…

  • SparkSIP Summer Internship Process

    We are signing up sponsors for the SparkSIP Summer Internships. We had 4 sponsors sign up and propose projects in the past week. And entrepreneurs are interested in how the sponsor flow works for summer internship. This infographic gives you a quick glimpse of the same. Sponsor your project by answering 10 questions at Spark SIP 2017 Sponsorship.

  • Creating a world of ones’ own, starting with the pinewood derby

    Several years back I heard some of my colleagues talk about Derby cars. Coming from India where I did not know anything about these Derby cars; it was all new to me. I was busy and did not know dig into this either. Wind forward twenty years … and now I have a 1st grader who is in…

  • All play may be good! check out the book : Wonderland

    Over the holidays I got to read this excellent book by Steven Johnson titled Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World. Steven is a prolific researcher, author, and story teller. In 2015, we watched his show How we got to now on PBS. Ever since I am a big fan of Steven. His research uncovers centuries of…

  • Economics of Electric Vehicles – are these viable?

    Yesterday I read this update on Tesla Supercharger Program. The promise of electric vehicles included low or no costs paid for gasoline, and limited or no emissions. Hence electric cars like Tesla promise high savings to pocketbook and the environment. Of course this comes with a high upfront cost to purchase these vehicles. On further investigation and looking…

  • Pursuit of Perfection – Design, Architecture, and Re-architecture in the world of software

    Excellence is a Journey. Perection is the destination. Often we have deep discussions about the desire to pursue perfection. An engineer walks up and says “I really do not like these shortcuts, I have this full design and I want to implement it.” The leader responds, “Yes, I understand. How long will it take to implement…