Tag: Culture

  • Stories make our world a better place

    In the recent years, I had been reading stories for my kids. This way I had the opportunity to reconnect with many stories as well as read many new ones. About 5 years back I was introduced to Joseph Campbell’s great book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces  And recently a couple of film school…

  • Flying High (Poem with Picture)

    Thanks to a wonderful bird photo from a friend, here is the poem card. Thanks S.Sivakumar for the excellent photo of a soaring bird flying high. 

  • Pursuit of Perfection – Design, Architecture, and Re-architecture in the world of software

    Excellence is a Journey. Perection is the destination. Often we have deep discussions about the desire to pursue perfection. An engineer walks up and says “I really do not like these shortcuts, I have this full design and I want to implement it.” The leader responds, “Yes, I understand. How long will it take to implement…

  • Microsoft gets IN!

    Today was historic day for Microsoft. Microsoft is acquiring Linked In. And it joins the 443,000,000 other users in a new capacity – as an owner of the Professional Networking Services firm. Only about 5-6 years back, there was caution about endorsing folks on social networks including Linked In. And now Microsoft owns it. Thousands…

  • Startup Ecosystem in Seattle – perspectives

    Today I was reading Sandi MacPhearson’s Medium article discussing Startup Ecosystem mentions that Seattle is lagging behind other places. Compass’  group report on global startup ecosystem provides more depth. Over the past year I had been more exposed to startups in Seattle area. Now that I am in a startup and advising a few startups, I can reflect on the learnings. Seattle…

  • Build to last longer

    Today I read an excellent article on building weatherproof companies. The author focuses on founder CEOs and advices them to think about longevity through learning fast, strong culture, real board / advisors, an excellent execution cadence, and handling the monsters of the mind. There are two principles I had held high in my work –…