Tag: Business

  • Ideas to business – another batch starts

    Two days back I attended the introduction event run by 9-mile labs. Another batch of enthusiastic and energetic individuals talked about their ideas. There were 9 companies chosen for summer cohort that begins in July. Each company had a unique idea on how they are going to change the world. Ideas are hard, turning these…

  • Microsoft gets IN!

    Today was historic day for Microsoft. Microsoft is acquiring Linked In. And it joins the 443,000,000 other users in a new capacity – as an owner of the Professional Networking Services firm. Only about 5-6 years back, there was caution about endorsing folks on social networks including Linked In. And now Microsoft owns it. Thousands…

  • Startup Ecosystem in Seattle – perspectives

    Today I was reading Sandi MacPhearson’s Medium article discussing Startup Ecosystem mentions that Seattle is lagging behind other places. Compass’  group report on global startup ecosystem provides more depth. Over the past year I had been more exposed to startups in Seattle area. Now that I am in a startup and advising a few startups, I can reflect on the learnings. Seattle…

  • Investing and Prioritizing for Products without shouts – CSI method

    In big companies and small companies, we are always brimming with many ideas but limited time or people to get work done. There are many ways to organize the work list and at many different granularities. A few years back we were in a product planning session with literally 1000+ items to consider. Yes, spreadsheets are great…

  • Energy, engagement and early success in startups

    In the past week, I spoke with founders and co-founders of startup companies. These companies are pursuing projects in diverse areas including internet-of-things, software-as-service for invoices and shipping, robotic games for consumers, novel application of sensors for physical environments, etc. The founders are bright, focused, and exude energy in their missions. They are mindful of the challenges…

  • Think Different – start of something new?

    We are gifted with the plethora of media and history that is available for us to learn from. Today I watched the video snippet showing internal launch of “Think Different” campaign by Steve Jobs. Very nice talk outlining his thinking to streamline and transform three things – products, marketing, and distribution. And world over, now…

  • Fascinating world of physical things – flexible electronics, sensor sock

    Today in my morning jog, I got to listen to Phil Inagaki, Founder and CEO of PolyEra talk about his foray into the entrepreneurial world. He oozes passion, vision and in-depth understanding of this company’s vision to create a world of flexible electronics bridging atoms with aesthetics. Taking cue from the Princeton alumni talk, he explored the…