Category: Technology

  • Annual Revenue for select companies

    Yesterday night I was reading about the upcoming earnings season. There was talk about how the stocks of some companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook that have soared in the current year. I got curious to understand how the revenues had grown in these companies. The chart illustrates quickly the trajectory of revenue for these…

  • Growing problem with Lots of Pictures everywhere

    For long we had relished the growing power of cameras – good old digital cameras and ever growing set of mobile devices with embedded cameras. We have nearly more than ten devices at our house – smart phones, tablets, laptops, digital camera, etc., that are equipped with cameras. And that means we snap a lot…

  • “Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile

    Two weeks back I heard about the “Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile. Being a T-Mobile ONE customer with multiple lines, this is an attractive offer for us. Plus we are already a Netflix customer paying monthly fees. I had concerns about how this offer will be to sign up and get started. Today I…

  • Back from 2017 Seattle Maker Faire

    Today Manu and I attended the Seattle Maker Faire. Another year of some exciting things shown at the faire. First and foremost Manu wanted to build and race a pinewood derby car 🙂 which he did quickly as soon as we got in. There were several exhibits around that used arduino based controllers, simple metal…

  • Mentoring and Coaching month 1

    In the summer, one of our friends asked me if I can coach a student interested in Computer Science. Given that I already volunteer with Spark SIP connecting high school students with internships, I said Yes. A few weeks rolled by and then I was introduced to the student. I had a few ideas on projects the…

  • Wheel of Retailing and path for Fortune

    Last week I read this business case about Amazon vs. Walmart and the Wheel of Retailing. Over the past two centuries of retailing there have bene several repeat instances where a new comer grabs mindshare and marketshare through discounted offerings and differentiated experiences. Soon this incumbent grows up and wants to get revenue share and…

  • Cash – less in the future?

    In my work on eCommerce, several times I had dreamed up having cashless transactions enabled at lower costs. The dream is coming alive. I am excited to read about the cashless systems in China – NYTimes: … cash is rapidly becoming obsolete. In India, applications like Bharat Interface for Money (BHIM), PayTM, etc., are set…

  • Reducing Email Clutter

    I have a half a dozen email inboxes which means it is important to keep the clutter down regularly to get through the mails. Here are some steps I take to reduce the clutter and keep the email life saner. Use Junk Mail or Spam Filters from the native email service provider. This reduces or…

  • Looking for Better Scout Den App

    We live in the worst of times with constant lack of time; And we live in the best of times with active kids. Sometimes people say we are living without attention. That said, from my experience as a Den leader for Cub Scouts in 2016-2017 (see the reflection piece), I felt it is important to…

  • Making Shields using modern maker technologies

    In the medieval times, one cannot guard a state without great knights and soldiers. And these knights in-turn relied upon great armor, shields (see, and swords. In the modern era we rely on defense technologies that reach farther. Still there is a lot learnt from the ancient shields including patience and creativity. Today my…