Category: Technology

  • Digital Tools to help with Tamil Learning

    Digital Tools to help with Tamil Learning

    As shared earlier, I am reading more Tamil Literature these days. To understand more, I am also writing more about what I am reading. To start with I am creating a simplified Verse Reader site that will have the verses along with meaning in English and Tamil. Slowly and steadily a collection of tools are…

  • Top 50 Disruptors – from CNBC

    Often, news media has been filled with discussions about disruptors. Disruptors embark on a pioneering journey to bring novel solutions to problems. Or at least they find ways to do an existing thing significantly better or cheaper than before. CNBC publishes a list of top 50 disruptors based on the recent performance from private (often…

  • Product Hunt – June 15, 2020

    Product Hunt provides an excellent resource to learn about some of the up and coming ideas. There are 10s of ideas posted and ranked daily. I will periodically read and take some notes about some of the ideas posted here. MainStreet claims to simplify the organization and submission of request for various government grants. The…

  • Considerations for a Coronavirus Testing Website

    Considerations for a Coronavirus Testing Website

    On March 13th, during the White House Rose Garden address, President Trump informed us that there is a Coronavirus testing site under development. He mentioned that Google is developing such a site. It felt like a good choice. Google has US and Worldwide presence with millions of consumers (aka citizens) on its accounts (thanks to…

  • New Bikes to address Air Pollution

    World over mobility is important for people. With mobility, we have the opportunities to learn, work, live, and enjoy life better. Historically over the past hundred years we have had gasoline and diesel engine driven vehicles. These are great for mobility, but come with a cost for the environment because of the high carbon emissions.…

  • Completed a year at Starbucks

    Completed a year at Starbucks

    I just completed 1-year as a partner at Starbucks. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work here. It has been a great year for me, my family, my team, and the company.  Starbucks Coffee’s corporate mission is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a…

  • Path to Product paved with Directional Roadmaps

    Path to Product paved with Directional Roadmaps

    In the technology industry we often create products. Products solve one or more customer problems. Starting from the Customer Problems and needs, working back, and inferring what may help solve problems is important. Often companies do extensive surveys – quantitative and qualitative – to understand the needs and formulate plans. However, sometimes any number of…

  • Build as a step to handle changes

    Build as a step to handle changes

    A few weeks back I wrote about Change as an opportunity in disguise. A few questions came up including: What next?  What are we to do with an opportunity that shows?  How can I use Change to help me grow?  Aren’t we supposed to create things? Aren’t we supposed to enjoy life? Great questions! Change provides…

  • A new era for Software on the PC?

    A new era for Software on the PC?

    Today’s announcement from Microsoft was BIG – billion units big. A massive internal reorganization of (Software) Engineering Organizations inside Microsoft results in big rethinking of the placement of Windows Engineering. See New York Times Tech News Coverage talking about the shift to fuel Cloud and Productivity missions. I have personal experiences of being a massive user…

  • Pulse of Cloud Computing and SaaS Businesses

    Over the past decade there is a high volume of discussion about Software-as-a-Business (SaaS) business model. It is amazing to see how many software parts and software driven experiences (Ex: Netflix, gmail) are purchased online. There are novel products that are only cloud native now unlike in the past. About fifteen years back, I was…