Category: Startups

  • Build as a step to handle changes

    Build as a step to handle changes

    A few weeks back I wrote about Change as an opportunity in disguise. A few questions came up including: What next?  What are we to do with an opportunity that shows?  How can I use Change to help me grow?  Aren’t we supposed to create things? Aren’t we supposed to enjoy life? Great questions! Change provides…

  • Advice for startup founders: Periodic Investor Updates

    Context The executive leadership team at big companies often have to do quarterly report outs to the board of directors and investment community. Often they have the luxury of full service departments (finance, communications, project management) to help them prepare for the same. Not just at big companies, such a model is valuable for the…

  • 2019 Summer Internships

    Yes, it is snowing outside on Feb 3rd in the Greater Seattle Area. White snow is a lot of fun. Soon it will be spring and then summer! Inside the house I observe my teenager working on her homework. Much like her there are 100s of high schoolers are preparing for a bright future. Hands…

  • Summer 2018 Internships for High Schoolers

    Over the holidays, a local high school junior student said, “Uncle, I am interested in the SparkSIP internship“.  I am always glad to hear the interest to do internships from high school students. I was however surprised to hear this ask because we had not even started the discussion at our advisory board for SparkSIP.…

  • Pulse of Cloud Computing and SaaS Businesses

    Over the past decade there is a high volume of discussion about Software-as-a-Business (SaaS) business model. It is amazing to see how many software parts and software driven experiences (Ex: Netflix, gmail) are purchased online. There are novel products that are only cloud native now unlike in the past. About fifteen years back, I was…

  • Evolve Software Architecture using a principled approach (Part 1)

    Software rules the world, everyone is aware of this. And along with it people say, Software is easy to change, easy to create, easy to adopt, etc. Still Software is often hard to understand. For both individuals and teams, having a common understanding of the architecture of software makes life easier to evolve the software to be faster, cheaper,…

  • SparkSIP Summer Internship Process

    We are signing up sponsors for the SparkSIP Summer Internships. We had 4 sponsors sign up and propose projects in the past week. And entrepreneurs are interested in how the sponsor flow works for summer internship. This infographic gives you a quick glimpse of the same. Sponsor your project by answering 10 questions at Spark SIP 2017 Sponsorship.

  • Jobs at Startups -or- in smaller companies

    News media is ripe with positive stories about winning startups. Over the years we heard about many successful startup companies that have grown and flourished. If you are working at an enterprise, it likely started life as a small company sometime in the past. The nice thing about startups are that they are filled with…

  • Venturing into capital?

    Recently one of my relative expressed interest to be in investment banking or venture capital. I was impressed that in his early 20s she has conviction to enter the world of venturing. I was also intrigued if she had sufficient understanding the job. She claimed that she had done well in math, accounting, and business, during the college years.…

  • Pursuit of Perfection – Design, Architecture, and Re-architecture in the world of software

    Excellence is a Journey. Perection is the destination. Often we have deep discussions about the desire to pursue perfection. An engineer walks up and says “I really do not like these shortcuts, I have this full design and I want to implement it.” The leader responds, “Yes, I understand. How long will it take to implement…