Category: Personal

  • A house to dwell – buy or build?

    A house to dwell – buy or build?

    Several of my friends and family know that I had moved around a few houses in the past 20 years. We bought and sold a condo, a house, rented in the middle, bought and remodeled an old house, and separately had built a brand new house. All these moves and changes had taught me a…

  • Supplies for Cub Scouts Camping

    Supplies for Cub Scouts Camping

    Thanks to my son who is in the Cub Scouts, we go camping once or twice with the local Cub Scouts troop. The camping experience is much better when we are adequately equipped. We are preparing to go on the Winter camp at Camp Sheppard near Mt. Rainier. It is going to be good. It…

  • Bike Ride up a mile

    Bike Ride up a mile

    Four springs back, in May 2018, one of my friends suggested I join him on the Ride The Hurricane bike ride. The Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center is located in the beautiful Olympic Mountains in the Northwest USA. At about a mile above the sea level, it was a 12 miles long climb at 5-8% gradient…

  • Change – an opportunity in disguise

      “Change is everywhere! Change can be outside you! Change can be inside you! Change is always happening! … Remember, Change is everywhere!” So read the note about Change in my 3rd grader’s notebook at his school. We had gone into the class room for the usual curriculum evening to learn about what the kids…

  • Book: “Grit” – encourages one to persist and persevere

    Often I carry books to read in the flight. But this Monday I did not have any book to read. And there was a 5 hour flight ahead of me. Browsing through the stores, I found this book – Grit.  It was compact and encouraging. I was thinking through challenges my son had to go through…

  • Stories make our world a better place

    In the recent years, I had been reading stories for my kids. This way I had the opportunity to reconnect with many stories as well as read many new ones. About 5 years back I was introduced to Joseph Campbell’s great book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces  And recently a couple of film school…

  • Preparing for Biking up the hill!

    Over the past year, I had enjoyed biking for routine trips locally and to commute occasionally. In looking back, I had covered nearly 30 trips of 10 miles or more. Several of these had elevation gain of about 1000+ feet. Wow! I would have not imagined this 3-4 years back. A friend of mine suggested…

  • Book: “Night” – terrifying, insightful, and hopeful

    One teenager amongst a few millions faced challenging times in 1944-1945. Unprepared for, he was. He had to endure challenging period of his life living in crowded place, with inadequate food and water, surrounded with winter with inadequate clothing and shelter, and often live in darkness. He survived this all in the internment camps during…

  • Completed 2017 Seattle Half Marathon – Slow and Steady

    After 8 years, today I ran the Seattle Marathon half marathon course. My goal was to complete the course with no injury and in good shape. And indeed I completed it well. This is my fourth half-marathon run in my entire life and all these came in the past decade. The pace came in at 2:52…

  • Learning and coaching of Math with NSF

    This year I had registered as a coach for Math to teach the students in grades 3-5 who register with North South Foundation (NSF). My 7-year old son participated in a spelling bee competition a few months back and came home interested in doing more Math. NSF also has a program to coach students during the…