Category: Personal

  • Out and about with CEGO

    Out and about with CEGO

    Two events catalyzed my move to run more often and continuously. One was the desire to conquer the fears and run a full marathon. Another was the chance meeting with an avid group of runners in the summer of 2021. One suggestion I received was to share with others and hence get support. I founded…

  • Write better with Elements of Style

    Write better with Elements of Style

    About twenty years back, I was a member of the Toastmasters club. The club helped me to learn more about public speaking. One of the topics I spoke about was about communicating ideas. Yes, in a workshop meeting on communication, we spoke about how to communicate. When I looked at the discussion note, two things…

  • Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    One evening about a decade back, my father had a heart attack. Fortunately our neighbor took him to the hospital in Chennai within 20 minutes (within the golden hour). My father received angioplasty with stem implant to cure his condition. Since then my father has been on stricter diet and medications. This was a wake…

  • Digital Tools to help with Tamil Learning

    Digital Tools to help with Tamil Learning

    As shared earlier, I am reading more Tamil Literature these days. To understand more, I am also writing more about what I am reading. To start with I am creating a simplified Verse Reader site that will have the verses along with meaning in English and Tamil. Slowly and steadily a collection of tools are…

  • Discovering the joy of reading Tamil Literature

    Discovering the joy of reading Tamil Literature

    In my high school days, I used to read a variety of ancient Tamil books. Comprised mostly of poetic writings, these classic literature books spoke about nature, humans, kings, morality, etc. Initially I read to prepare for speaking competitions and debates. Soon curiosity drove further engagement. We had a single public library with dusty books…

  • Learning anytime, anywhere, and continuously

    Learning anytime, anywhere, and continuously

    Thanks to increasing access to broadband and much improved real-time communication software, we have novel models to learn. An avid learner with a smartphone or computer or (or tablet) and broadband connection can learn many things from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone!  In 2020, I had the opportunity to try out several models of learning.…

  • Opportunities Aplenty

    Opportunities Aplenty

    Last week I had a very interesting conversation with a young and upcoming engineer who I worked with in the past decade. His first input was that there are insufficient opportunities for him. And hence he wanted to go look for a new opportunity. At the surface what he indicated seemed convincing. As I dug…

  • The New Normal

    The New Normal

    We were normal; We sought things, novel! We had weekdays and weekends.We made things during weekdays;We enjoyed things during the weekends.Such was the working life. Too much novelty may not be the best;for who would have thought about the rest? We were normal;We sought things, novel! Suddenly from Wuhan, sprang a virus, was indeed novel! Invisible…

  • Traversing through COVID19 stay home time

    Traversing through COVID19 stay home time

    In the USA and world over, we are in the thick of things with COVID19. We as a family have been staying home for the past 19 days!! That is the longest that I had stayed at home or at a place without much movement. I did go out for groceries and for food pick-up…

  • Completed a year at Starbucks

    Completed a year at Starbucks

    I just completed 1-year as a partner at Starbucks. I am fortunate to have the opportunity to work here. It has been a great year for me, my family, my team, and the company.  Starbucks Coffee’s corporate mission is “to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a…