Category: Household

  • Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    One evening about a decade back, my father had a heart attack. Fortunately our neighbor took him to the hospital in Chennai within 20 minutes (within the golden hour). My father received angioplasty with stem implant to cure his condition. Since then my father has been on stricter diet and medications. This was a wake…

  • The New Normal

    The New Normal

    We were normal; We sought things, novel! We had weekdays and weekends.We made things during weekdays;We enjoyed things during the weekends.Such was the working life. Too much novelty may not be the best;for who would have thought about the rest? We were normal;We sought things, novel! Suddenly from Wuhan, sprang a virus, was indeed novel! Invisible…

  • Traversing through COVID19 stay home time

    Traversing through COVID19 stay home time

    In the USA and world over, we are in the thick of things with COVID19. We as a family have been staying home for the past 19 days!! That is the longest that I had stayed at home or at a place without much movement. I did go out for groceries and for food pick-up…

  • A house to dwell – buy or build?

    A house to dwell – buy or build?

    Several of my friends and family know that I had moved around a few houses in the past 20 years. We bought and sold a condo, a house, rented in the middle, bought and remodeled an old house, and separately had built a brand new house. All these moves and changes had taught me a…

  • Growing problem with Lots of Pictures everywhere

    For long we had relished the growing power of cameras – good old digital cameras and ever growing set of mobile devices with embedded cameras. We have nearly more than ten devices at our house – smart phones, tablets, laptops, digital camera, etc., that are equipped with cameras. And that means we snap a lot…

  • “Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile

    Two weeks back I heard about the “Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile. Being a T-Mobile ONE customer with multiple lines, this is an attractive offer for us. Plus we are already a Netflix customer paying monthly fees. I had concerns about how this offer will be to sign up and get started. Today I…

  • Wheel of Retailing and path for Fortune

    Last week I read this business case about Amazon vs. Walmart and the Wheel of Retailing. Over the past two centuries of retailing there have bene several repeat instances where a new comer grabs mindshare and marketshare through discounted offerings and differentiated experiences. Soon this incumbent grows up and wants to get revenue share and…

  • Energy consumed and CO2 emissions for top 3 countries

    Yesterday I read about the smog-filtering bicycles to be launched in China. This brought up a question about the utility and the state of affairs of CO2 emissions and air pollution in China. From my trips to Chinese capital city of Beijing three years back, I recall the high level of pollution and the orange sunsets…

  • Build a house and you learn a lot …

    In my mother tongue – Tamil – there is a saying: “ஒரு வீட்டை கட்டிப் பார்; ஒரு கல்யாணம் ப்ண்ணிப் பார்” meaning, “Build a house; conduct a wedding” to learn more. Everyone lives almost half their lives in their houses, so let us make it great. A few years back a dream to build a house entered our minds. We…

  • Hi Robot, help me with my daily chores, please …

    Yesterday I was talking about some ideas with my wife. The topic of robots came up. She rightly challenged me that these robots are not mostly about doing things that are not directly helping with daily items.I agree with her. Earlier this year, Melinda Gates wrote about the paucity of time in the Gates Notes annual…