Category: Health

  • Energy consumed and CO2 emissions for top 3 countries

    Yesterday I read about the smog-filtering bicycles to be launched in China. This brought up a question about the utility and the state of affairs of CO2 emissions and air pollution in China. From my trips to Chinese capital city of Beijing three years back, I recall the high level of pollution and the orange sunsets…

  • Lessons from a 115 miles long bike ride

    Yesterday, I completed the longest bike ride in my life so far. What started out as a potential attempt to prepare for Seattle To Portland (STP) ride , became a let me do it mission and I was on it for entire Saturday – June 25th, 2016. The Red-Bell 100 is 104 miles long. Add to that a pre-start preparation…

  • Getting ready for my longest bike ride

    About 10 days back, one of my friends casually (actually strongly) suggested that I ought to do a bike ride with them for their planned Seattle to Portland (aka STP) ride. Every possible excuse came out of my mouth: “oh no, I cannot. I do not have the time. I am not ready. Too Tough. …”. He…