Category: Education

  • School From Home (SFH)

    School From Home (SFH)

    For many years, Work From Home (WFH) has been popular in several service industries (ex: Airline reservations, phone customer support) and tech. Thanks to the #CoronavirusOutbreak now we have school from home for my kids as well. One of the strongest anti-dote to slow down the spread of virus is to do self-isolation or add…

  • Tracking COVID19

    Everyday I learn about several sites for tracking the spread of #coronavirus and #COVID19. To date most sites talk about number of people who had positive test result from the Coronovirus and death numbers. So far I had not found full data about how many tests have been done at each location. Nor do I…

  • Reading maketh a man, woman, … tips for better reading

    Reading maketh a man, woman, … tips for better reading

    Yesterday I was talking with a relative of mine. He was concerned about the reading skills of his elementary school kids. I recall having the same concerns a few years back when my kids are in the elementary age as well. Good news, in the past ten years I had observed my kids gradually read…

  • 2019 Summer Internships

    Yes, it is snowing outside on Feb 3rd in the Greater Seattle Area. White snow is a lot of fun. Soon it will be spring and then summer! Inside the house I observe my teenager working on her homework. Much like her there are 100s of high schoolers are preparing for a bright future. Hands…