Category: Education
The 10 rules of the Canoe
Taking ferry rides across the Puget Sound is a great experience by itself. Last week, in my ferry ride on M/V Suquamish, I read the wonderful story about the Tribal Canoe Journeys. It came with simple, yet powerful rules of the canoe. See below Aren’t we all tribals journeying in a different world? The 10…
Learning from others in meetings
In the past few years, I had spoken with 100s of founders, engineers, product leaders, marketers, and investors. I am excited about the variety of people I speak with. Each one brings unique perspective and depth from their area. There is a lot to learn from them. There are two distinct groups that I have…
Book: The War of Art
Recently, I heard about this book The War of Art from a friend of mine. Steven Pressfield, the author describes the major challenges many people face when creating new artifacts. All people including authors, artists, architects, composers, entrepreneurs, et al face the challenge. Some of them face a stable employment or income issue. However most…
Why we remember teachers and the lessons I learned
Each country has its own traditional day for celebrating teachers and teaching (see here). In India, Sep 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day. Happy Teachers Day! On this day, the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. Sometimes the senior students may teach to show appreciation for the teachers.…
Write better with Elements of Style
About twenty years back, I was a member of the Toastmasters club. The club helped me to learn more about public speaking. One of the topics I spoke about was about communicating ideas. Yes, in a workshop meeting on communication, we spoke about how to communicate. When I looked at the discussion note, two things…
Digital Tools to help with Tamil Learning
As shared earlier, I am reading more Tamil Literature these days. To understand more, I am also writing more about what I am reading. To start with I am creating a simplified Verse Reader site that will have the verses along with meaning in English and Tamil. Slowly and steadily a collection of tools are…
Discovering the joy of reading Tamil Literature
In my high school days, I used to read a variety of ancient Tamil books. Comprised mostly of poetic writings, these classic literature books spoke about nature, humans, kings, morality, etc. Initially I read to prepare for speaking competitions and debates. Soon curiosity drove further engagement. We had a single public library with dusty books…
Learning anytime, anywhere, and continuously
Thanks to increasing access to broadband and much improved real-time communication software, we have novel models to learn. An avid learner with a smartphone or computer or (or tablet) and broadband connection can learn many things from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone! In 2020, I had the opportunity to try out several models of learning.…
Graduates, pursue your dreams with thanks!
Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah elegantly encourages all the Graduates of 2020 to pursue their dreams with gratitude in his recent article. He urges the graduates to help build a better future. Members of the Class of 2020, I’d urge you to take this lesson with you. Pursue your dreams, yes. But remember that they are…
Considerations for a Coronavirus Testing Website
On March 13th, during the White House Rose Garden address, President Trump informed us that there is a Coronavirus testing site under development. He mentioned that Google is developing such a site. It felt like a good choice. Google has US and Worldwide presence with millions of consumers (aka citizens) on its accounts (thanks to…