Author: Murali

  • Book: The War of Art

    Recently, I heard about this book The War of Art from a friend of mine. Steven Pressfield, the author describes the major challenges many people face when creating new artifacts. All people including authors, artists, architects, composers, entrepreneurs, et al face the challenge. Some of them face a stable employment or income issue. However most…

  • Book: Leadership Lessons with The Beatles

    Before my birth, The Beatles rocked the world to new music that blended classic music and traditional pop in innovative ways. They grew into a worldwide phenomenon, alongside the growth of vinyl records, live tours, color televisions, and the young population. Besides the music style, the lyrics held deep meaning that inspired millions of people…

  • My first marathon run

    My first marathon run

    For nearly a decade, I had dreamt of running a full marathon. For many years, running a 3-4 miles seemed to be the psychological limit. Brain rapidly sent instructions to stop the body; the body complied dutifully. A few times, the body won over the brain, and I still completed half marathon runs. Still, the…

  • Why we remember teachers and the lessons I learned

    Why we remember teachers and the lessons I learned

    Each country has its own traditional day for celebrating teachers and teaching (see here). In India, Sep 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day. Happy Teachers Day! On this day, the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. Sometimes the senior students may teach to show appreciation for the teachers.…

  • India at 75! Happy Independence Day

    India at 75! Happy Independence Day

    Time has the perfect ability to slowly and steadily move forward. I wasn’t around when India got its independence. The country was born in the midnight, forged in solidarity after many sacrifices from millions. Life would not have been easy then. My dad, who was in the elementary school, recalls their assembly to celebrate the…

  • Bike Ride to Sequim WA

    Bike Ride to Sequim WA

    The last few weeks have been good for running and biking. Six years back, I did a long distance ride of about 115 miles. I was interested in repeating such a long distance bike ride. In particular, I was interested in biking from Bellevue, WA to Sequim, WA. My family was concerned about my interest…

  • My (first) longest run in Seattle

    My (first) longest run in Seattle

    Seattle has a beautiful landscape with lakes and mountains. For many years I have been dreaming of running on the Lake Washington bridges in Seattle. I always found it harder to run past 3 miles. Often the brain will tell me that I had done enough and push me to stop. Starting in 2021, I…

  • Out and about with CEGO

    Out and about with CEGO

    Two events catalyzed my move to run more often and continuously. One was the desire to conquer the fears and run a full marathon. Another was the chance meeting with an avid group of runners in the summer of 2021. One suggestion I received was to share with others and hence get support. I founded…

  • Write better with Elements of Style

    Write better with Elements of Style

    About twenty years back, I was a member of the Toastmasters club. The club helped me to learn more about public speaking. One of the topics I spoke about was about communicating ideas. Yes, in a workshop meeting on communication, we spoke about how to communicate. When I looked at the discussion note, two things…

  • Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    Healthy Eating for Happy Life

    One evening about a decade back, my father had a heart attack. Fortunately our neighbor took him to the hospital in Chennai within 20 minutes (within the golden hour). My father received angioplasty with stem implant to cure his condition. Since then my father has been on stricter diet and medications. This was a wake…