Author: Murali

  • Retail Innovation – online, offline, and mobile integrated

    Today I came across a nice experience that Home Depot has built up for connecting their online and offline experiences. In searching for a house hold tool – telescoping tool, I discovered the nice experience. I often go to my default store – Amazon. Unfortunately I did not find a suitable one. So I popped…

  • Low low power connectivity

    Yesterday during my jog with my friend we were chatting about if there are low powered connectivity solutions for devices. We knew about Bluetooth Low Energy and continuously shrinking WiFi chips. We also knew that WiFi has been focused on enabling higher bandwidth and longer distances. Today I discovered Passive WiFi which promises to reduce the…

  • Model driven APIs and service

    In the past few months, I had been building a set of services using nodejs. After having dabbled in JavaScript over the past year, I was looking for a way to build service side code as well with REST APIs. voila! I discovered nodejs which fits the bill. There are many tutorials online for how…

  • Internships for High Schoolers

    Recently I started working with Spark SIP. SPARK Summer Internship Program (Spark SIP) connects business or project owners with aspiring high schoolers. I am excited about the opportunity to help the young kids and project sponsors to meet up and create new ways to learn and contribute. This summer will be a totally new experience. The project…

  • Infinite Innovations ahead

    It was the perfectly bright weather to admire this unique creation in front of the National Museum of Anerican History. It symbolifies creativity, deft handling of tools, deep understanding of the elements, and pays tribute to the creative mindset of humans. Standing stop a tall and slender tower this metallic creation invites us to walk…

  • Sometimes there is light inside the tunnel too

    Often we grew up with the notion that there is light  at the end of the tunnel. The notion comes from the age old mining and excavation tunnels where someone can spend many days and nights trapped inside a dark tunnel. And then one day we get to see the light at the end of…

  • 400,000 graduates go missing from the US in Jan 2016. Where are they?

    Today I discovered that we seem to have lost nearly 400,000 (yes four hundred thousand) graduates from the US. This is based on employment status of civilian population 25 years and older. See the section “Bachelor’s degree and higher” – Civilian Labor Force. Over the past four days there has been a lot of chatter…

  • Think Different – start of something new?

    We are gifted with the plethora of media and history that is available for us to learn from. Today I watched the video snippet showing internal launch of “Think Different” campaign by Steve Jobs. Very nice talk outlining his thinking to streamline and transform three things – products, marketing, and distribution. And world over, now…

  • Word Press rocks! – simple and nice

    In the past week I had set up a private word press site for blogging atop LAMP to check it out. There was a learning curve to understand the LAMP and Word Press taxonomy. Still, I got a lot of easy help from some good documentation on Word Press and LAMP configuration. And as a saving…

  • Summer Camps are here – let us engage the kids

    Summer is almost upon us. You are wondering why I say that. Today is the Eastside Camp Fair at St. Thomas School in Medina. Every year I visit the same with my kids – at least for a quick glance. We are excited to learn about the variety of summer camp opportunities for kids. Sometimes I…