Author: Murali

  • Ideas to business – another batch starts

    Two days back I attended the introduction event run by 9-mile labs. Another batch of enthusiastic and energetic individuals talked about their ideas. There were 9 companies chosen for summer cohort that begins in July. Each company had a unique idea on how they are going to change the world. Ideas are hard, turning these…

  • Lessons from a 115 miles long bike ride

    Yesterday, I completed the longest bike ride in my life so far. What started out as a potential attempt to prepare for Seattle To Portland (STP) ride , became a let me do it mission and I was on it for entire Saturday – June 25th, 2016. The Red-Bell 100 is 104 miles long. Add to that a pre-start preparation…

  • Getting ready for my longest bike ride

    About 10 days back, one of my friends casually (actually strongly) suggested that I ought to do a bike ride with them for their planned Seattle to Portland (aka STP) ride. Every possible excuse came out of my mouth: “oh no, I cannot. I do not have the time. I am not ready. Too Tough. …”. He…

  • Hi Robot, help me with my daily chores, please …

    Yesterday I was talking about some ideas with my wife. The topic of robots came up. She rightly challenged me that these robots are not mostly about doing things that are not directly helping with daily items.I agree with her. Earlier this year, Melinda Gates wrote about the paucity of time in the Gates Notes annual…

  • Microsoft gets IN!

    Today was historic day for Microsoft. Microsoft is acquiring Linked In. And it joins the 443,000,000 other users in a new capacity – as an owner of the Professional Networking Services firm. Only about 5-6 years back, there was caution about endorsing folks on social networks including Linked In. And now Microsoft owns it. Thousands…

  • Staying Creative Always

    Today I ran into this article on How to find time for creative work. It was well written. The author of the article talks about how he had prioritized time to ensure he can do his creative work – writing – done. In many ways this is applicable for many of us. I write occasionally…

  • Next 5 innovations please!

        Yesterday my 6 year old son was in awe and asked me ‘are there cars that drive themselves?’. I thought that was great he was learning from the world and is interested in technology. We got to watch the BMW Concept 100 Car video. The coming years are intriguing and awesome. Many companies are…

  • Fitness and Togetherness – thanks to Girls on The Run



    A few weeks back, my 11 year old daughter came home with a form requesting us to sign and acknowledge that she can join the Girls on The Run. At first I was surprised when I read that 4th and 5th grade girls are going to attempt a 5K run. I do not recall attempting a 5K…

  • Startup Ecosystem in Seattle – perspectives

    Today I was reading Sandi MacPhearson’s Medium article discussing Startup Ecosystem mentions that Seattle is lagging behind other places. Compass’  group report on global startup ecosystem provides more depth. Over the past year I had been more exposed to startups in Seattle area. Now that I am in a startup and advising a few startups, I can reflect on the learnings. Seattle…

  • Tax filing experience from Turbo Tax keeps getting better

    It is that time of the year for folks working and earning in USA. I am not a constitutional expert; but this much I understand. Come Apr 15th (or around there) we have to complete filing the tax returns to ensure that what may be due as per reams of legislation makes it to the…