A world of possibilities

Welcome to the world of possibilities. At Zanavu, we believe in pursuing the dreams with zeal.

For over two decades, Murali Krishnan, has been developing and bringing innovative technology solutions to business problems. Murali Krishnan is a co-founder and CPO at RapL Inc. Murali is passionate about enabling human skill development at scale. He enjoys working at the intersection of technology, enterprises, and social impact. His mission now is to help organizations transform their skill development systems.

Previously, Murali created products and led global software teams at Microsoft, Starbucks, and startups in mobile, big data, ecommerce, and cloud computing. Murali has led strategic digital transformations and v1 incubations to innovate and expand products across consumer and enterprise markets. He has diverse experiences in technologies for consumer, enterprise, web, mobile, cloud, scale, reliability, big data, UX, multi-tenant, B2B, B2C, SaaS, etc. Murali holds 30+ issued US Patents.

Murali is a trusted advisor for early stage companies on technology, product, and business models. He brings in-depth technical and business acumen to guide the development of product and technology strategy for early stage ideas. He is experienced in building teams and nurturing the strategic ideas to turn them into products for customers. He is the Investment Chair for the Guindy Alumni Angels group and does Angel investing. He is on the board of Cartogram (AI driven local navigation company focused on hospitals).

Murali leads by example and has worked with several large global teams. He has inherited, aligned, and strategically transformed technology teams to be purpose driven with agility and consistency. He dives deeper to gain mastery with new areas of work and drives forward with autonomy and purpose. He guides his teams with empowerment and has coached his team members to grow in their pursuits. He is highly regarded hiring manager (hired 1000s of engineers for the companies he worked at) and have grown 200+ people to higher level in their careers.

Create something new and you will learn, so advised several of Murali’s mentors. He had worked on several early stage v1 projects and sticking with the same to grow into v2, v3, and v4 products. Starting in 2012, he has been advising startups.

 Murali has embraced Pay It Forward and has invested time to coach and mentor others besides receiving mentorship himself. Murali also has volunteered at several organizations. He served in the boards of  Sparksip.org (a non-profit that connects high school students to internships at local businesses) and volunteered with Asha for Education. He is the founder of CEGfi : CEG Field Insights and CEG Outdoors efforts.

Murali holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin. He graduated in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the College of Engineering, Guindy. Murali was fortunate to receive an accelerated MBA training at Microsoft (in partnership with The Wharton School of Univ. of Pennsylvania). He lives with his wife and two children in the Seattle area. He enjoys hiking, skiing, and running in the beautiful northwest.

You can grab my resume and bio here or connect using LinkedIn and CEG Connect.
Occasionally, he blogs here, writes poems, and tweets at @muralirk.