Graduates, pursue your dreams with thanks!

Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah elegantly encourages all the Graduates of 2020 to pursue their dreams with gratitude in his recent article. He urges the graduates to help build a better future.

Members of the Class of 2020, I’d urge you to take this lesson with you. Pursue your dreams, yes. But remember that they are possible only because all of us are doing our share to make a society in which those dreams can be pursued. If you live by that precept and help build a better future, you and those who have helped you get there can truly share the credit.

– Prof. Kwame Anthony Appiah

We live in these challenging #COVID19 times. Graduates of 2020 face the unique challenge of completing courses remotely, attending celebrations remotely, and graduating remotely as well. Thankfully most of the graduates may be closer to their family and friends, easing the family celebrations. Years of toil come together with a degree from college or university, starting the next step in the life journey of jobs, careers, family, etc. In the long journey ahead, keeping perspective and an attitude of gratitude goes a long way.

The graduates have the extra responsibility to navigate the new world. They already are avidly interested in handling the demands of their environment and often care more about taking steps towards some of the biggest problems including: climate change, social justice, more equity, and being a close knit group. Bill & Melinda Gates in call on the graduates to pull together to rebuild the world.

The major challenges looming over your future—disease outbreaks, climate change, gender inequality, poverty—are also being confronted by your peers in every part of the globe.

As a member of our global community, your actions can have a global impact. Whatever your professional goals, wherever you live, whoever you are, there are ways, big and small, that you can participate in making the world better for everyone.

– Bill & Melinda Gates, Gates Foundation

As the graduates embark on this long journey, they will be served well to equip themselves with positive attitude, kindness, gratitude, and interest to help others. Nikki Haley, just made the call for gratitude in her article.

Being grateful is about the future, not the past. Gratitude means looking at all that you have and understanding it didn’t all come from you. Real, active gratitude carries a responsibility to share the blessings in your life with others, to make a conscious effort to make life better for others.

– Nikki Haley, past US Ambassador to the UN

College is a stepping stone to the wider world. It equips students with lots of knowledge. Students connect with fellow students, seniors, staff, and faculty. Students try out various activities and learn from their own experience. More wisdom comes from the others’ experiences shared with them. forms in the years to come. More wisdom forms from trying out things in the future. More wisdom forms when one navigates the broader world filled with opportunities and challenges.

One thing that is critical for graduates to retain is the art of dreaming and constantly pursuing the dreams. It is definitely possible that some graduates will have crystal clear idea of their dreams. Many will not. That is okay! Just give yourself some room to discover, nurture, and learn from the experiences to come. Always be thankful though. Wish you all the best!


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