Stories make our world a better place

In the recent years, I had been reading stories for my kids. This way I had the opportunity to reconnect with many stories as well as read many new ones.

About 5 years back I was introduced to Joseph Campbell’s great book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces  And recently a couple of film school professors suggested that I read Chris Vogler’s The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers.

Together these books have inspired me to appreciate stories more.

Stories create dreams. Stories connect us. Stories excite us. Stories entertain us. Stories keep us awake. Stories help us sleep peacefully. Stories make our world a better place. Stories are natural to convey ideas. Stories are natural to learn from. Stories educate us and calm us down. In a society deprived of stories, individuals might lack creativity and cram a lot. Stories can act as a lubricant to inform, educate, and engage all of us.

Over the past few years, I practice telling stories as part of business and technical presentations as appropriate. Here are additional works that have inspired the importance of storytelling

More stories ahead for us.


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