Prepare for Half Marathon in Summer 2023

Having run my first marathon in Seattle last Nov 2022, I am interested in doing a summer run. Yes, we are still seeing the spring showers and flowers. That means summer is just around the corner. It is time to get our plans and running gear on! Half marathon is a 13.1 mile (or 21.6 KM run). Alongside the half marathon, there is usually a 5KM or 10KM run. If you’re planning on taking part in a half marathon, this article is for you!  

For non-runners, the major challenges are preparing oneself with core and running strength, alongside healthy nutrition and hydration schedule. Regular runners still have to gear up with updated plans to handle summer heat. Preparing for a half marathon can seem daunting at first. But with proper planning, determination, and consistency, one can reach your goal and cross that finish line.  

The most important part of training for a half marathon is establishing your running plan. Get a baseline established. Be it 0.5 miles or 5 miles, do a simple non-stressful run first. Check how you feel before and after the run. Also take measurements and consider the total mileage you’ll need to run, your goal pace, and the number of runs you’ll have each week. Most importantly, give yourself enough time to properly train. Plan for at least 10-14 weeks of training before a half marathon. Early start is even better. Often everyone starts with 2-3 miles run in a weekend, and gradually keeps increasing the weekend miles by 1-mile per week. Besides the weekend run, also run during the week. I found it useful to measure the recovery time after a run. Initially, it took me longer (24-72 hours) to recover, which gradually reduced to a few hours by the end of the training. 

A coach can do wonders for you. For my full mile marathon, I benefited from a coach. She was great in guiding me even virtually. Reach out to her at Ranjini Gupta (Liinkedin, Instagram). Coach has run and trained enough runners to spot issues and create a good week by week schedule to follow. Also try and train with a stable group of peers. This not only helps build new relationships, but also speeds up peer learning. It’s also important to remember to stick with your running schedule. If you want to make the most of your training, stick with your plan! Occasionally, you may have to skip a run or two; that is okay. 

It’s also a great idea to build in some rest days throughout the week, allowing your body to fully recover.  Make sure you also take the time to stretch and build strength in the days before a run. You’ll need strong legs and a strong core to support your training. Taking a few minutes each day to work on your flexibility and strength will go a long way in your preparation. 

Fueling properly is also a critical component of training for a half marathon. Eat plenty of protein, healthy carbohydrates, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure to also drink plenty of water throughout the day. Plan and practice with nutrition and drink you will carry with you for runs. 

With proper training, commitment, and a little hard work, you’ll be well on your way to crossing the finish line of your half marathon. Good luck!

Here is a draft training schedule for 12-week duration

Weeks 1-4 : 4: Regular running. Start with 4-6 miles a week in total. This can be done as 2 runs at 1-2 mi.

Weeks 5-8: More core training and hill climbing runs. Hills offer a natural way to experience and prepare.

Weeks 9-10: Increase temp and eating healthy food. 

Weeks 11-12: slow down the pace to adjust for temperature, nutrition, weather, and terrain


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