Happy Independence Day

India at 75! Happy Independence Day

Time has the perfect ability to slowly and steadily move forward. I wasn’t around when India got its independence. The country was born in the midnight, forged in solidarity after many sacrifices from millions. Life would not have been easy then. My dad, who was in the elementary school, recalls their assembly to celebrate the independence day. They hoisted the national flag – Tiranga. Little did my dad’s generation know what is in store for them! A beautiful and bold country was born on Aug 15, 1947.

The day, Aug 15th, came to symbolize a joyous moment. As a schoolboy, we usually assembled at the school and watched the flag hoist. Sometimes we may have chief guests who gave speech. Sometimes we just had an assembly and march to hoist the flag. We would sing the National Anthem: Jana Gana Mana practised to fit within the 52-seconds as per the norm. Often we had sweets at the end of flag hoisting. We dispersed early from school to continue playing on the streets. Till the middle school history years, I do not recall learning more about the freedom struggle and sacrifices made by the millions. I was fortunate to be born in a beautiful and free country from the Aug 15, 1947

Years went by, and I migrated to the USA. The national anthem played out in many Indian festivals and in some orchestra performances. The sweet and pleasant memories of past come back rushing every time the song plays out. As a long standing country, India had rich traditions and culture. As a devoted and parched land from hundreds of years rule from foreign invaders, India also suffered. In the intervening 75 years after the birth, the nation tackled many challenges to advance forward with a growing population. However, there are likely more problems remaining waiting for solutions.

Over the past 6 weeks, during my visit to India, I met with 100s of people. I met with many young people born well after my birth to people who were also born after independence. The Indian government created a momentous celebratory occasion called Azadi Ki Amrit Mahotsav. With the Har Ghar Tiranga initiative, the government has created a renewed awakening in the minds of people. As is the norm around the world, there is a fervour for Nation First sentiment. I hope that beyond the Nation First, India will stand tall and lead the world towards more peace and prosperity.

Again, I am fortunate for having been born in a free India. I am fortunate to have many friends passionate about India, education, transparency, and hard work. I am fortunate to work with a company, RapL, that crosses the border between India and the USA, aspiring to enable the global workforce. I am fortunate to witness the 75th Independence. I look forward to live long and witness the 100th and perhaps the 125th anniversary. Till then, it is time to savour the riches obtained from the fabulous Aug 15th, 1947.

Happy Independence Day! Happy 75th Birthday to India!


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