Two events catalyzed my move to run more often and continuously. One was the desire to conquer the fears and run a full marathon. Another was the chance meeting with an avid group of runners in the summer of 2021. One suggestion I received was to share with others and hence get support. I founded CEGO – CEG Outdoors with a group of enthusiast CEG alumni. It has been eight months since the group started. Over the past 8 months, I have been out and about running a lot. I had also learnt a lot from other members of the group who shared and cared for people getting outdoors. Thanks to CEGO members!
Till 2021, I had run a handful of half-marathons (13.1 miles or 21 kms). I carried the dream of running a marathon (26.2 miles or 41 kms). For many reasons, I could not get past the 3-mile barrier. It seemed that my mind grew tired before the legs. I needed a way to jolt my mind into action and hence push past the limits.
In the summer of 2021, a group of about 20 runners visited us in Seattle. These are alumni from my wife’s college. They visited Seattle to run a 199 mile Ragnar race. About a dozen runners take turns in this relay run that lasts about 30+ hours. I was impressed to hear their story. I relished in their accomplishments. They suggested that keeping company is important. All these runners were from different cities. They coordinated and shared runs virtually, nudging each other to prepare better. They strongly recommended forming such support group. Hence was born the idea for CEGO.

In the past eight months, I had run more than 5 half-marathons, surpassing my entire lifetime record. I also completed nearly 300 miles of total running. Often these are 3 mile runs with occasional ones ranging up to 13-15 miles. Above is a snip from the Activities app on my phone and watch combo. On several days I had closed all the three circles. Teal circle indicates ‘stand time’, Green circle is for the # exercise minutes. The magenta circle is for the move calories. There were definitely days of laziness and many days of brilliant closure of circles.
Three things keep me running these days
- Short, regular, and continuous runs. Instead of the long runs I often try to get out for a 3-4 mile run with elevation. This builds endurance and habit faster.
- Stop and take snaps of the nature. Running outdoors means enjoying the nature and nurturing the soul. Spring season means lots of flowers and greenery that nourishes me well.
- Share more with the CEGO and others. Even a modicum of appreciation encourages me to do this more. Thanks everyone!
Running outdoors requires very minimal preparation and equipment. A pair of running shoes and a half dozen pairs of socks with long and short sleeve tees and pants is sufficient. I reuse the phone, watch, and headset to routinely listen to music to keep thoughts focused on the songs and run. I carry back sweat in the body and many sweet memories.
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