New Bikes to address Air Pollution

World over mobility is important for people. With mobility, we have the opportunities to learn, work, live, and enjoy life better. Historically over the past hundred years we have had gasoline and diesel engine driven vehicles. These are great for mobility, but come with a cost for the environment because of the high carbon emissions. Congestion in growing cities also lead to pollution.

Over the past few years, 100s of companies have sprouted world over to address the challenge with mobility in an environment friendly manner. I am talking about the Teslas of the world. Teslas are fantastic, but they are super costly at 10s of thousands of dollars. What the world can benefit from are vehicles that are in the 1000s, if not 100s of dollars.

A new crop of vehicles are in the making. Emerging electric bicycle and electric bikes can address the carbon emissions in the cities and neighborhoods. Besides addressing the emission, any new vehicle has to meet the Power, Performance, and Price demands. Slow but low cost vehicles quickly earn a bad reputation and people will not come back for the repeat usage. Fast but high priced vehicles mean there are scale challenges both on demand and production costs. Finally vehicles have to be elegant as well.

Today I spoke with Mohanraj, who was born not more than 50 miles from my home town in India. Mohan is building a new world of mobility with electric bikes first. His Srivaru Motors is in the toddler days and soon will have a product that addresses Price, Performance, and Power demands. He also is focused on durability of vehicles to ensure these last well for the high frequency users who ride 1000s of miles (or kilometers in India) a year.

Also this week, I learnt about a few other companies who are entering the electric driven mobility market. NeuWai Bikes focused on performance, power (not price) and has some exciting designs. See Besides moving people, moving cargo is critical. Cargo Bike / Delivery Van is a new take on this demand.

I am eager to stay in touch with the development of Srivaru Motors both from a perspective of this being a local company in Coimbatore. Plus it addresses the need to reduce air pollution.


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