Annual Revenue for select companies

Yesterday night I was reading about the upcoming earnings season. There was talk about how the stocks of some companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook that have soared in the current year. I got curious to understand how the revenues had grown in these companies.

The chart illustrates quickly the trajectory of revenue for these select companies. It is impressive to see the breakout growth for Amazon in terms of revenues over the past 10 years, especially given that Amazon has been in the billion $$ club. Equally impressive is the amazing growth for Facebook. Yes it seems in the low billions, but growing at a very steady clip.

Alphabet (was Google) has shown growth almost similar to Facebook. Makes sense, since Facebook and Alphabet depend on growth in the advertising industry. Microsoft started great 10 years back and was significantly away from the pack. The trend has been decent, but not stellar compared to the other companies. It is interesting that Microsoft’s stock almost doubled in the recent 4 years, despite the revenue growth only by 20%.

For the next investigation, I will look at the profits. I also have to bring in data for Netflix and Apple to these charts.



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