Growing problem with Lots of Pictures everywhere

For long we had relished the growing power of cameras – good old digital cameras and ever growing set of mobile devices with embedded cameras. We have nearly more than ten devices at our house – smart phones, tablets, laptops, digital camera, etc., that are equipped with cameras. And that means we snap a lot of pictures and videos. And guess what there are more than 100,000 pictures distributed across multiple devices at our house.

Yes there are several devices coming in to the house to ease the same – like the smart TV and smart Receivers that can retrieve pictures and display the same. Still we need a system to manage these together better. We need a better system to manage these picture files – to keep them organized and enable us to use these effectively. We have to clean unwanted pictures, organize memories, share them efficiently and enable us to use them better.

Looking for solutions …

First step is to back up and preserve these pictures in multiple locations. Next is to clean out unwanted pictures .. and that will require some form of scoring the quality of the pictures. The solution is not to load these into any particular software yet (more on that in the next episode).


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