“Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile

Two weeks back I heard about the “Netflix On Us” offer from T-Mobile. Being a T-Mobile ONE customer with multiple lines, this is an attractive offer for us. Plus we are already a Netflix customer paying monthly fees. I had concerns about how this offer will be to sign up and get started.

Today I went to the T-Mobile My Account page. There I was able to quickly find the Netflix Family offer in the add-on page. I clicked through the links to sign-up. The help pages from T-Mobile about Netflix on Us was useful to allay concerns. The signup pages worked smoothly including transferring me to Netflix site. There I logged in with my Netflix account and was able to accept this new offer. Voila! now we are signed up for Netflix through  T-Mobile. There is still a minor caveat which says that Netflix may bill us separately for non-standard services. Not sure what the non-standard services are.

Twenty years back, there was talk about convergence of videos and broadband. Now with broadband also available through T-Mobile, there is the emergence of subscription account linkages with simplified billing. Inside Microsoft, we had the dream to bring out an “integrated account management” to offer multiple services for a single account. It was challenging when we started this about 17 years back. With consumers like me having multiple accounts, it is pleasant and expected experience to have simplified billing and account management. I look forward to this convergence continue to simplify our lives further.


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