Are you an entrepreneur looking for help?
Are you a researcher brimming with ideas and can use extra help?
Are you the creative person who wishes you had someone help you in the short term?

We invite you to reach aspiring high schoolers and offer them a summer internship. is a non-profit focused on connecting aspiring high school students with small organizations or teams working on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and business projects. Students bring energy and focus to work with you, contribute and prepare for future careers.
Every year 1000s of high school students prepare for the next phase of their life – be it the next grade in school or join college or embark on a new adventure. When I was in high school, I recall finding retail jobs in textile stores and work at textile factories. At least that was available in abundance in my home town. Fortunately there are abundant opportunities for creative engagement now. And thankfully the students are better prepared as well.
In the past two years we placed 25 interns with local businesses in Seattle / Bellevue, USA and at the University of Washington. We had repeat sponsors who come back to offer more internships. The sponsors liked the work done by the interns. The interns enjoyed mentorship and real world experience received. Here is an internship that I sponsored and mentored last year.
Besides mentoring we do not expect the sponsors to spend a lot. If possible, we recommend the sponsors to offer a $500 stipend for the summer.
I invite you to sponsor internships for 2017. You may submit multiple times if you have room for more than one intern.
See the Spark SIP 2017 Sponsorship form and please fill in the answers.
-murali (for
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