Bridge the world of difference in Olympics

Over the past two weeks International Olympics 2016  is in full swing. As of Aug 20, 2016, The USA is leading the medal tally with more than 100 medals. Kudos to all the fantastic athletes, coaches, parents, organizations, and organizers for propelling USA to the top of the charts. In daily life I observe parents and children in the USA invest a lot of energy in diverse sports activities. And many children grow up into strong athletes and sportspeople in the future.

Olympics 2016 Medal Tally Aug 19, 2016
Olympics 2016 Medal Tally Aug 19, 2016

In contrast, after 10 days India opened its Olympics Medal tally with a Sakshi Malik winning a bronze medal. And today P.V.Sindhu won a silver medal. I am proud of these fantastic athletes for winning glory for themselves and India.

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We could not help but wonder why a country of more than 1,250,000,000 people has a hard time getting past single digit in the Olympics medals tally. The number is even smaller than the number of Indian born CEOs in Fortune 500 companies in the United States. We, from India, are anxious bunch and analytical types. We have lots of reason to ascribe to this situation.

I felt that we have to get past the anxiety into action. In my discussions with my college mates, I discovered that there are many folks in India working on growing sports talent. And many such places often can benefit from more support. One such organization is run by an Indian Olympic Athlete – Ms. P.T.Usha. See for more information. I like their approach and idea. Hence I contributed a small amount and set out to encourage others to contribute as well.

Please pledge your support at For every Rs. 10 of contribution, I will match Rs. 1 till a limit of Rs. 1,000,000. Together we can make a difference.

PS: Nearly twenty years back, I funded Rs. 1 lakh then for my high school to build a building to keep sports stuff. Reason being that I did not get trained in sports because of lack of awareness and culture. I felt that contributions can help build a facility to help out.


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