Word Press rocks! – simple and nice

In the past week I had set up a private word press site for blogging atop LAMP to check it out. There was a learning curve to understand the LAMP and Word Press taxonomy. Still, I got a lot of easy help from some good documentation on Word Press and LAMP configuration. And as a saving grace, there is Stack Exchange where I can easily learn from attempts made by millions of pioneers.

You can check out the blog site – Bright Possibilities. It has a sister site on WordPress as well. Given that the main site is built from ground up, I also had to dig around and find ways to secure it with SSL. Thanks to some good documentation I was able to get this set up.

The best part in the entire experience has been how simple and nice the Word Press blog management site has been. I am sure there are lots I will continue to learn. The start looks simple, reliable, and fast. All ye, Word Press contributors, you rock!

For nearly 15 years, I had used a variety of blogging tools except for Word Press :(. I am glad to find an alternate solution on the outside besides corporate hosted sites to experiment with.


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