Fascinating world of physical things – flexible electronics, sensor sock

Today in my morning jog, I got to listen to Phil Inagaki, Founder and CEO of PolyEra talk about his foray into the entrepreneurial world. He oozes passion, vision and in-depth understanding of this company’s vision to create a world of flexible electronics bridging atoms with aesthetics. Taking cue from the Princeton alumni talk, he explored the world to find ideas to transform into commercial products. I highly recommend his talk about Polyera (in YouTube).

Last week I spoke with a local entrepreneur and a past colleague of mine – Maurizio Macagno. He has co-founded Sensoria Fitness and they have created athletic products integrated with smart electronics and nifty software. These products can measure details about body performance in a wide range of conditions and can get folks get fit by the day. His journey of tinkering reminded me of the story about Edison (in his big lab of course) tinkering to find the better light bulb.

We live in interesting times with lots of interesting ideas pursued to transform how we live our lives.


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