A world of possibilities

Welcome to the Bright Possibilities blog. It feels that many things aligned in the planet for me to arrive here and write some fresh notes. It is incredible to see the amazing collection of software and systems that work together to give us tremendous power to go after new possibilities. I am excited to be here to start with this new blogging site custom built using fully open source software running on largest cloud service provider.

It is daunting to think about the thousands of innovations and millions of people who have contributed to have us arrive here. There is the invisible Internet, visible Mac Book Pro, harmonious software like Apache and WordPress, yet another invisible and reliable service provider – AWS. There are plenty more as you dig into it more. Thank you innovators!

Several years back I was a plumber of sorts with this Internet thingy building high scale and high performance web server software at Microsoft. That led to contributions in several online services (and what the world calls now as the Cloud Computing) including search, commerce, databases, and communication services. Yes, I know you can read more at linked in 🙂

Create something new and you will learn, so advised several of my mentors. I had worked on several early stage projects. As to be expected some projects flourished to give earnings and some others resulted in learnings! The teams I worked in always offered the best environment to learn and become a better person. Coming into 2016, I aspire to work in smaller environments working closely with customers and business contributing to technology project. In this context, I have had several cafe chats. It has been an amazing experience to learn from many folks. Thank You everyone for introducing me to Pay It Forward.

I am excited about the world of possibilities ahead of me. Through this blog I hope to contribute some of the learnings and musings. More to come.


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